Day 8 | 22.2.21
22 February 2021
Mweka Camp to Gate
Elevation (ft) 10,200ft to 5,400ft
Distance 6 mi
Hiking Time 3-4 hours
Habitat Rain Forest
After breakfast, we continue the descent down to the Mweka Park Gate to receive your summit certificates. At lower elevations, it can be wet and muddy. Gaiters and trekking poles will help. Shorts and t-shirts will probably be plenty to wear (keep rain gear and warmer clothing handy). *c/o Embark Exploration, Co.
Mweka Camp feels like an ending. We are back in the rainforest habitat now and our section of the camp is set up more intimately than before. Our tents are so close, that we are all sharing the space like the family of strangers that we are. We have a common story now; our pilgrimage is almost over.
Despite the language barrier, the anticipation of being with loved ones soon is palpable among the porters. Their camaraderie and laughter plays like a soundtrack in the air all around. I feel like I can rest here; I sink into the forest, my tent, my bag, my body and let my mind go blank.
When morning comes, I am already finished. My journey is done. This final walk will be an exercise in gratitude. However fleeting, I am at peace.
From the gate, we are shuttled to a tourist village for souvenirs and lunch. Our bus is packed with crew and team and gear. It is strange to feel this kind of movement again. I sit next to an open window, close my eyes and savor the wind on my cheek… embracing the moment, while quietly asking myself to stay present for a little while longer.
There is so much to process.
Our guides and crew have arranged one last meal for us to share. “Congratulation” says the cake sitting in front of my place setting; the past 48 hours feel like a dream. This farewell communion is an opportunity to express our thanks and acknowledge each member of the support staff that helped us to the stars.
The arrangement is bittersweet.
At the tourist village, the rains finally come. I leave the group, purchase a Kilimanjaro lager and find a corner to watch and wait.
It is a fitting end to a beautiful week.
© Colin Murray
And suddenly, I am back at the beginning. This deja vu mirrors my looping thoughts and I am struck by the cyclical nature of this life we are given.
How many of us get to completely start over?
Maybe we all do.
One foot in front of the other.
Yes. Pole, pole.
© Colin Murray